
Ulf Tölle


To empower our leaders to improve health and vitality –
first for themselves, to become role models then and lead and empower us to influence our environment for the better:
our world


Motion Mastery™ catalyzes and guides world-changers to tune in to their body’s innate wisdom to aspire to invigorating and ever-improving coordination and movement health for a lifetime – because we are living in a world where healthcare no longer cares about health but our doctors fight pathology rather than teach us how to advance our best health.

Becoming as healthy and vigorous as possible enables us to empower ourselves and others to shape our immediate environment – our world.

Certificazione RME
In February 2019, as part of the Opera Rara Festival, I gave a 3-day workshop in Krakow, Poland on the subject Movement health & performance for choir and orchestra
Certificazione RME
Since 2004 I have been working as complementary therapist with patients of Dr. med. H.Holdener near ZH HB (Zurich main station).
The situation of patients include both chronic and recurring back pain and coping with the situation after acceleration trauma (whiplash accident)
Certificazione RME
Twice a year I am working in the advanced Professional Education and Training examination PET for complementary therapists.
OdA KT appointed me as an expert examiner in 2018
Certificazione RME
From 1987-1997 I was a lecturer for Movement Health / Alexander Technique at the State University of Music and Performing Arts Stuttgart.
Certificazione RME
In 1997, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) facilitated my guest lectureship in Porto Alegre & Curitiba, Brazil.
Subsequently, from 1998 to 2014, I repeatedly held courses for students at the Instituto de Artes at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul and other Universities in Brazil.
Certificazione RME
Zwischen 1997 und 2008 habe ich 1–2x im Jahr Kurse für die Musiker dieses Berufsorchesters angeboten – über OSPA und sonst über die Associação dos Funcionários AFFOSPA.
Highlight war ein Kurs im Jahr 2000 für das gesamte Orchester, wo ich u.a. in der laufenden Probe mit den Musikern gearbeitet hatte.
Certificazione RME
In 2011, on behalf of the management, I conducted a 3 months program on movement health for the employees of the Ospedale regionale La Carità in Locarno
Certificazione RME
1994 wurde ich angefragt, die Alexander-Technik an der damals noch Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien vorzustellen.
Der 4 tägige Workshop fand im Frühjahr 1995 statt.
Certificazione RME
Februar 2005 gab ich im Funkhaus Wien einen 3-tägigen Workshop für das Radiosinfonieorchester des zum Thema Bewegungsgesundheit in Produktionsstress und High Performance Situationen
Certificazione RME
Oficina de Música de Curitiba is the largest summer music festival in South America.
In 1999 and 2001 I gave lectures there. From January 9-30, 2000, I led 3-week introductory workshops on the work of F.M. Alexander.
Certificazione RME
Damit bot am 16./17. Juni 2018 das College of Public Speaking, London einen Workshop an, um Menschen in der Situation, eine Rede zu halten, anzusprechen.
Zusammen im Expertenteam mit Präsentation, Voice Coach & Storytelling unterstützten wir 70 Teilnehmer.
Certificazione RME
Im März 2009 habe ich für die kaufmännische Abteilung und die Rechtsabteilung der Oper Zürich einen Teamtag gestaltet.
Im gleichen Zeitraum habe ich, zusammen mit 2 KollegInnen eine Informationsveranstaltung für das Orchester der Oper durchgeführt.
Certificazione RME
2000 engagierte mich der Betriebsarztdienst des NDR für einen Einstiegskurs beim NDR Sinfonieorchester Hamburg (heute NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchester) dem bis 2008 viele weitere folgten.
Certificazione RME
Since 2006 I was chair of the Swiss Association of Teachers of the Alexander Technique until 2010, today’s SBAT.
After that, I was continued as active member of the board and worked in various positions, including as a liaison with other international professional associations Alexander-Technique.
Certificazione RME
KomplementärTherapeut/in mit eidgenössischem Diplom Methode AlexanderTechnik
Certificazione RME
Authentic Marketing, especially for therapists & health clinics, SMEs, and humanitarian causes, has become an endlessly fascinating topic.
I started more than 25 years ago, immersing myself more and more in this topic. By taking courses, exams, CPDs, and lots of practice I learned a thing or two along the way.
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